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Donoghue AP, Jackson HJ, Pagano R. Understanding pre- and post-hysterectomy levels of negative affect: a stress moderation model approach. J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol 2003; 24:99-109

Donoghue AP, Hodgins G, Judd F, et al. Training cases managers to deliver focused psychological strategies. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2004; 13: 33-38

Hodgins G, Murray G, Donoghue A et al. Introducing a professional development program to a rural mental health service. The importance of context. Australasian Psychiatry. 2004; June 12(2): 153-60

Judd F, Fraser C, Gregg M, Scopelliti J, Hodgins G, Donoghue A. Rural psychiatry: Special issues and models of service delivery. Disease Management and Health Outcomes. 2002; 10: 771-781

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